Pumpkin Cat Collectables & Curiosities: Unique Oddities & Gothic Decor

Shop our ever expanding range of lovingly handmade art, sustainably sourced insects, taxidermy, gothic home decor, and thoughtfully selected oddities. Our curiosities are perfect for adding your own unique flair to your home or living area, or makes for a beautifully unique gift for loved ones of all ages.

  • Framed Butterflies

    We're always expanding our wide range of framed butterflies. Due to the seasonal nature of these creatures, stock may vary at different times of the year so be sure to check in frequently to see what we have available.

  • Taxidermy

    We offer a growing range of beautifully preserved taxidermy pieces. All taxidermy pieces, bones, specimens and parts are bi-products of meat products & farming, pet food, pest control, or have met their end naturally.

  • Glass Oddity Jars

    Have an odd gap in your bug art wall you're looking to fill? Our oddity jars come in a variety of sizes, from a teensy tiny 2cm up to a hearty 15cm. Due to the popularity of these items we are always restocking and releasing new jars!

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Shop with confidence - learn why our customers keep coming back. From our five-star customer service to our top quality goods.

Shop With Confidence - Why our Customers Keep Coming Back

We pride ourselves in not only our responsible & sustainable sourcing methods, but our love & admiration of the specimens we work with. Each specimen is pinned, mounted and framed entirely by hand for you to appreciate for a lifetime to come.

Through our love and dedication to entomology, taxidermy & all things odd, you can shop knowing you will receive an excellent customer experience from start to finish - this shines through in our customer reviews.

From five-star customer service, to our high quality goods and materials used, you can shop with peace of mind knowing you're in safe hands.

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